Piha Beach! Awesome / Genial!

Post in english after the picture. Scroll down!_______________________

Avui ha estat un dia intens, molt intens. A les 8 del matí ja era llevat, gaudint d’un dutxa matinal abans de marxar cap a la platja. El destí, Piha. Ja hi havia estat abans, però he decidit repetir. Aquest cop els meus acompanyants han estat la Sue, l’Alba, la Marie, la Tina, la Carla, en Roman i en Tobias. Hem omplert una furgoneta, sí.

Però el dia no ha estat només Piha. Hem visitat les cascades de Kare Kare i després hem anat al pub, com cada divendres. Avui, dia realment especial. Hem acomiadat un munt de gent. La Henny, en Roman, en Masa i l’Alba ja no els podré tornar a veure i, per si fos poc, també era el meu últim divendres al pub. Un drama… no us podeu imaginar la sensació tan estranya que he patit.

Per si fos poc, ens ha visitat la Kanako, la dona d’en Brad. Ha vingut amb l’Emily, la filla que demà dissabte celebra el seu segon mes de vida. Està preciosa, molt més que fa un mes… un encant. Diria que em recorda i tot.

Al gra (que és la 1 de la matinada). Que la gent marxa, jo marxo, ens acomiadem i tal, però encara tenim temps de fer cosetes, de manera que aquí us deixo les fotos de Piha.

Demà, amb una mica més de temps, us adjuntaré les de l’Emiliy… tan maca…!

Bona nit!

Per cert, en serio, mireu les fotos que valen molt la pena. Cliqueu la imatge!!!

Click the picture to see the full album / Clica la foto i ves a l’àlbum!

Today has been a pretty intense day. Indeed. At 8am I was already taking a shower and getting ready to go to Piha. I had been there before (with Piotr, Markus and Chalita) but I decided to repeat. This time, my traveller-mates were Sue, Tobias, Roman, Tina, Marie, Carla and Alba, all of them from LSI.

But my day hasn’t finished in Piha. We also had time to visit the Kare Kare waterfalls and, of course, to go to the Playhouse, like every friday. However, today it was special. I had to say good bye to Roman, Alba, Masa and Henny, who I won’t see anymore, at least until we can meet somewhere else… who knows where, who knows when. It has been a really weird feeling, maybe because it was also my last friday there.

What’s more, even Kanako (Brad’s wife) came… and she broguht Emily!!! She is so pretty! Even more than last time I saw her!!! Oh, and I think she remembers me.

So, I’m attaching some pictures from Piha and tomorrow, with a little bit more time to spend with the blog I will also share pics from Emily and last friday in the Playhouse.

Good night!

By the way, really, check out the pictures, some of them are really wonderful. Click the main picture to go to the full album!!!

2 pensaments sobre “Piha Beach! Awesome / Genial!

  1. come onnnnnnnn!!!!! i was eagerly waiting to see emily….!!!!! but i need to wait til 2morrow..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    By the way…. Piha beach is soooooooooo beautiful as usual, even though it is different season.

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